Friday 9 February 2007

Avenue Q

Yep, its another one of those days when I post more than once :)

Once again, thanks to the connections at Graeme's work, we got £5 tickets to go to the theatre. This time, however, it was something we've actually been wanting to see for awhile - Avenue Q. Go to that website, watch the intro and then hover over the scrolling heads along the bottom to read their speech bubbles and you might get an idea of what the show is. If you're too lazy to do that, you'll have to put up with my horrible attempt at a description:

The play revolves around the people and puppets that live on Avenue Q. With songs like "It sucks to be me", "Everyone's a little bit racist" and "The internet is for porn" its like Sesame Street for grown-ups - so grown-up that they have to have a disclaimer that its not affiliated with Jim Henson or Sesame Street. Basically, it is hilarious, pokes fun at stereotypes and is really well done. The puppeteers are visible throughout and seem to merge with their puppet characters, they generally play more than one character and there is some awesome flow when both of a puppeteer's characters are on stage and they are being voiced and controlled by two different people.

We had fantastic seats, laughed a lot and had a great time. Unlike most things I seem to review though, this is definitely not one for the kids :)

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